Ke Ga Light House Trip

Not far from Saigon, Ke Ga is located in Ham Thuan Nam district, Binh Thuan province, where has the tallest and oldest lighthouse in Vietnam. Standing by the foot of the lighthouse, feeling the wind blows, watching blue sea surface and viewing the sun gradually turning red while fading away really makes you can’t take your eyes off the scenery.

Trip Option: by local boat
Travel Time: 1.5 hours
Includes: Cold towels, drinking water and escorted by hotel staff

Prices: VND 550,000 per person (minimum of 2 people)
Extra person: VND 350,000 per person

Option: Make your trip more memorable with a bottle of our finest sparkling wine and a selection of sumptuous canapés.

Note: Be careful moving on the stones, especiallyin rainy season when it’squite slippery.

Terms & Conditions

The resort cannot guarantee the availability of these activities at all times as it will depend upon weather condition, equipment and manpower or any other operational constraints. Some activities will need booking in advance. All sport activities will be at the client’s own risk.

Outdoor activities are subject to weather condition. Lessons are at maximum of two people at the same time. Lessons are applied for beginner or intermediate level.

Prices are in VND, subject to 5% service charge and VAT

For more information, please email [email protected] or call +84 252 3682222

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